A n n e x
to the Concept Paper
for the implementation
of the CICA CBMs
in human dimension
Action Plan for the implementation of the CICA CBMs in human dimension
1. Organization of events with participation of the representatives of the CICA Member States with a view to promote religious harmony, tolerance and non-discrimination.
2. Organization of joint archeological expeditions, which may encourage mutual benefits.
3. Sharing experiences in the field of museums and libraries, restoration and preservation of the sites of historic and cultural heritage.
4. Exchange of exhibitions from the stocks of state museums, national galleries, national archives and special reserves with the aim to make national cultural legacies of the CICA Member States popular.
5. Conducting under CICA aegis, annual international conferences, seminars and round tables on the issues of historic and cultural heritage.
6. Production of Media programs about national cultures of the CICA Member States.
7. Ensuring cooperation and exchanges in the field of science, technology and education, including joint scientific research, scientific-technical conferences, seminars and trainings, including those in the field of new technologies.
8. Organizing joint researches of the cultural legacy of the Great Silk Route by the CICA Member States.
9. Supporting the professional schools, colleges and higher educational institutions in organizing training courses on exchange of students among the CICA Member States.
10. Holding of CICA international conferences on issues of education, Youth policy and human rights.