Member States of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA),
· aiming at the implementation of the Concept Paper on Cooperation among CICA Member States in Combating Illicit Drug Production and Trafficking and Precursors on 23 August 2008;
· in consideration of the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on international cooperation towards an integrated and balanced strategy to counter the world drug problems, as adopted at the high-level segment of the 52nd session of UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs and approved by UN General Assembly Resolution No: 64/182 dated 18 December 2009;
· in consideration of the resolutions and decisions of International Narcotic Control Board (INCB) and UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND);
Have agreed to organize seminars and workshops on the following subjects in the years 2010-2011:
1) Treatment and rehabilitation of drug users
2) Sharing experiences on implementation of decisions of high-level segment of the 52nd session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs, aimed at establishing 2019 as a target date for States to eliminate or reduce significantly the illicit cultivation of opium poppy, coca bush and cannabis plant, as approved by UN GA Resolution No: 64/182 dated 18 December 2009.
3) Control and/or eradication of precursors, synthetic drugs, illicit production and diversion of opiate and other plant-based drugs.
4) Ensuring availability of opiate analgesics and other controlled drugs for legitimate medical uses in accordance with the provisions and principles laid down in UN Conventions relating to the international control of drugs; and relevant decisions and resolutions of INCB.
5) Activities of relevant organizations and bodies in the area of combating trafficking of illicit drugs and precursors for its production.
Member States will organize seminars and workshops in the mentioned areas on a voluntary basis. A workshop on treatment and rehabilitation of drug users may be held for physicians involved in harm reduction in 2010 to discuss the best practices.
Member States have also agreed on the following:
1)To voluntarily provide promotional material in printed and audio-visual forms, used by them for raising public awareness on risks of illegal drug consumption to the Secretariat. The Secretariat will compile a database of this material which can be used by any Member State for creating or updating its database.
2) To reserve a certain number of slots on voluntary basis for the relevant experts/officials of law enforcement agencies of other CICA Member States in the training programs organized by them on drugs control issues. Member States are encouraged to provide the Secretariat with information on existing and planned national training programs open for the CICA Member States in the mentioned areas beginning with the period 2010-2011. Member States may also consider organizing training program exclusively for the relevant experts/officials of law enforcement agencies of the CICA Member States.