Концепция в приоритетной сфере "Туризм", 2009 гг.


Approved by Senior Officials Committee on 20 February 2009  


To foster international cooperation, the Member States of the Conference of the Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), in the short span of its activity, has elaborated certain guidelines and principles for the voluntary participation of the Member States in implementation of confidence building measures within the framework of the international cooperation that positively influences on strengthening an atmosphere of peace and friendship. In the context of international cooperation one of the important priorities within the CICA framework is cooperation in the area of tourism.

In contemporary conditions, the sphere of tourism, as a significant sector for interaction among the states, is a factor of contributing to global integration processes and also a way of boosting foreign economic relations. The tourism promotes development of international links, trade exchange, transportations, insurance operations, services dealing with capital investments, scientific and technical, as well as cultural ties, information and consultation services, which stimulates public diplomacy that in turn promotes convergence among the peoples and their cultures.

Keeping in view the above factors of tourism that positively reflect on the development of states, the adoption of concept paper on cooperation among the CICA Member States in the area of tourism, which can stimulate confidence building measures among the states, deserves a special evaluation.

In accordance with the Catalogue of the CICA CBMs accepted at the meeting of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of CICA in October, 2004, and the Cooperative Approach for the implementation of the CICA CBMs approved by the meeting of the Senior Officials Committee in March, 2007, the Republic of Tajikistan took the initiative on coordination of confidence building measures on cooperation among the CICA Member States in the area of tourism.

The present Concept Paper presents purposes, principles, basic directions and approaches within the framework of cooperation in the area of tourism and assumes the development of the Plan of Action for implementation of the aimed confidence building measures in the direction of tourism within the CICA framework.

The Concept Paper on international cooperation in the area of tourism within the framework of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia are based on modern principles taking a note of interests of all parties which encourage development of cooperation on equal basis and directed to use their potential in the interests of common goals.

The policy of cooperation in the area of tourism within the CICA framework should be based on norms of the international law and national legislation of the Member States.

The CICA Member States adopt the present Concept Paper with a view for further implementation on a voluntary and selective basis in accordance with national priorities.

Goals of the Concept Paper

The main goals of the Concept Paper on cooperation among the CICA Member States in the area of tourism are:

  1. Mutual desire of the CICA Member States to strengthen and develop cooperation in the area of tourism on the basis of equality and mutual benefit for the development of economic and tourism potential in the region;
  2. Peaceful co-existence of the peoples of the CICA states and convergence of their cultures through creation of the international tourism;
  3. Protection and respect of fundamental rights and freedoms of the peoples governed by the Charter of the United Nations Organization, the Global Ethical Code of Tourism approved by the General Assembly of World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the documents adopted within the CICA framework;
  4. Implementation of coordinated measures in the area of cooperation on international tourism;
  5. Implementation of joint efforts on mutual popularization of tourism resources, preservation of cultural and historical, natural and climatic features of the CICA Member States;
  6. Assisting to establish mutually beneficial partnership relations among national tourism administrations of the CICA Member States;
  7. Creating favorable environment for tourism exchange among the CICA Member States, as well as aspiration to unify standards on organization of tourist service and introducing statistic systems;

Principles of the Concept Paper

Confidence building measures on cooperation in the area of tourism will be implemented by holding consultations and achieving a consensus for adoption relevant decisions in accordance with the Declaration of Principles Guiding Relations between the CICA Member States, the CICA Catalogue of Confidence Building Measures and the Cooperative Approach for the Implementation of CICA CBMs.

Basic directions and mechanisms of cooperation

Within the framework of implementation of confidence building measures among the CICA Member States for interaction in the area of international tourism, the following directions and mechanisms of cooperation will constitute priorities:

In the area of development of tourism exchange:

  1. Considering the issue of  every possible assistance to increase tourist flows among the CICA Member States and promote actively the national tourist products at the tourist markets of the states of region;
  2. Rendering every assistance to establish direct business contacts among national tourist administrations and tour operators for adoption of joint sectoral programs within the CICA framework;
  3. Encouraging the adoption of relevant bilateral and multilateral agreements on cooperation in the area of tourism among CICA Member States;
  4. Organizing specialized tourist routes and disseminating knowledge and information on the divergent cultures of peoples in the CICA region with a view to promote tolerance and understanding.


In the area of promotion of national tourist product:

  1. Exchange expertise and information among the CICA Member States on the best practices in the area of marketing and promotion of national tourist products;
  2. Exchange statistics, information, advertising and other materials in the area of tourism;
  3. Encourage specialists and journalists operating in the area of tourism to create experts groups among them to discuss the issues of common interest in the CICA region.
  4. Assist in the participation of tourist organizations of the CICA Member States in the main international tourist exhibitions, which are organized with their support, with a view to increase mutual tourist exchange.
  5. Use capabilities of the mass media and the Internet/portals for projecting tourist potential of the CICA states.
  6. Promote the importance of the regional programs developed around specific themes, such as "Tourism on the Great Silk Way".

In the area of training of professional personnel:

Assist exchange of information and expertise in the area of training of professional personnel for tourism industry among the CICA Member States and arrange capacity building programs when necessary.

In the area of legislation:

Exchange information regarding sectoral legislative acts in the sphere of tourism, including systems of technical regulations, classification, attestation and standardization, as well as in the area of control (monitoring) over tourist service quality. Taking measures for harmonization of visa formalities for citizens of the CICA Member States, traveling for tourist purposes in the region.

In the area of capital investments:

  1. Exchange information concerning investment opportunities in the CICA Member States including inter alia, in the area of construction of tourism infrastructure;
  2. Assist in development of cooperation among the tourist organizations of the CICA Member States which carry out capital investments in the tourism industry;


Implementation of the present Concept Paper provides ground for adoption of an Action Plan which will reflect concrete events, including issues of financial and other conditions of its implementation.


